Modernity Concept:
Modernity is a term subject to exploration for its meaning or content. It refers to the condition of modern societies characterized by continuous and rapid changes in values, relationships, technology, and the economy. Modernity represents the transformation from a state of stability and static social interaction to experimental, fluid, and rapidly changing societies. When this term is mentioned, it brings to mind the concepts of confusion, the dissolution of values, principles, and ethics, or the dissolution of a being called a human.
Causes of Modernity:
In attempting to look at the cause of all this, or rather the cause of modernity, some believe that it is a transitional period. After the centrality of man shifted from divinity or revelation to considering humans as the center, the foundation, and the legislator, this shift was not present in the East but was attracted and imitated from the West. According to Ibn Khaldun’s famous saying, “The conquered is always fond of imitating the conqueror.” Others argue that its cause is the human quest for absolute perfection and idealism. This led to a lack of understanding that there is a complete God, especially with the emergence of scientific laws of motion and the dominance of the church over life, conflicting with some laws of religion. This led to the belief that we do not need religion to understand life or to establish controls. Later, this resulted in some scientists abandoning religion and believing that everything is rational, scientific, and materialistic only, leading to the advocacy of secularism.
Divergent Views on Modernity:
Views on modernity differ from one thinker to another, or they differ with the number of thinkers and sociologists. Some see it as the only means for human progress, while others see it differently. They argue that it is necessary to build on previous history so as not to deviate. Otherwise, we will live as if for the first time, not recognizing the past, and thus embarking on a journey of exploration and new attempts. Some consider it the worst journey in human history, stripping humanity of its fundamental principles: worship, faith, morality, and Sharia. It is accustomed to adherence or an attempt to adhere to laws set by its Creator. It is believed by some to be an attempt to deceive or to spread corruption, especially as it began to show to the public, thanks to the Internet and technological advancements, which are the very cause. Some scholars or intellectuals believe it is the worst journey in human history because it deprives humans of a principle that is obligatory for them, worship, faith, morality, and Sharia. It is accustomed to adherence or an attempt to adhere to laws set by its Creator. It is believed by some to be an attempt to deceive or to spread corruption, especially as it began to show to the public, thanks to the Internet and technological advancements, which are the very cause. Some scholars or intellectuals believe it is the worst journey in human history because it deprives humans of a principle that is obligatory for them.
Beginnings of Modernity:
This modernity began in Europe in the late Middle Ages, under slogans of freedom, ideal life, renaissance, democracy, and civilization, among other false slogans that were not fundamentally achieved. However, they were adopted as slogans to spread colonialism and establish class societies. This is very clear, especially concerning the class society, which is against the equality that was one of its biggest and most important slogans. Today, the cities are restricted to a certain number of people and hotels that only certain people can enter. Regarding the Renaissance, did not contribute to the real advancement of human life truly. Speaking of equality, where is equality in purely class societies? This class society, in all aspects of life, from basic living to luxury, contradicts the essential principles and ethics established before it. To illustrate, consider the following question before continuing reading: Does someone who owns massive companies and wealth live in a residence similar to that of an ordinary person? Of course, this does not happen because it completely contradicts the laws of modernity, and this, without a doubt, proves its falseness. Concerning freedom, in societies and cultures where inputs and even life goals are imposed on it, and this is clear. When an entire generation is raised under capitalism from childhood, and its thoughts are dominated by its principles intensively and systematically, this is not by chance. Examples of this include the export of addictions from football to social media and other tools of entertainment. These tools have more harm than benefit, and even their benefit is limited to a very small number of people. The goals revolve around the self and its development only, not for the benefit of societies and the advancement of human life as religions want.
The Effects of Modernity on Society:
Modernity is considered a social phenomenon that influences various aspects of our daily lives. This phenomenon leads to a transformation in personal and social identities, altering social and family relationships and even dissolving them. It also changes the thoughts, goals, and dreams of individuals, as well as the values they must live by to become complete human beings. The continuous acceleration and constant change have even taken control of an individual’s emotional state, affecting online profiles, applications, and interests, and have led to the separation of the state from its people and religion. This has resulted in a generation struggling with communication and self-acceptance issues, a consequence of the pursuit of perfection or the ideal upheld by modernity. The materialistic focus has contributed to the disappearance of feelings of compassion and love, replaced by a pursuit of wealth.
In modernity, personal desires and interests take precedence over traditional social belonging. This prioritization can lead to the erosion of personal and social identity, fostering a sense of alienation. Individuals may feel pressured to achieve social connection and meet societal expectations, as seen in the concept of self-improvement. Notably, the emphasis on materialism is evident in daily life.
Transformations in Social and Family Relationships in Modernity:
Modernity brings significant changes to social and family relationships. Connections with others become more superficial and short-term, and family relationships become less stable with weaker bonds. The focus on individualism and personal freedom may lead to tensions and conflicts within families. The instability of values and traditions in modernity affects various aspects of life. Balancing progress with the preservation of fundamental values and social bonds is crucial in modern societies. The contemporary way of life is sometimes described as a modern nomadic life, marked by constant movement even in thoughts. This lifestyle is deemed unsuitable for building civilizations, and it contributes to the prevalence of anxiety, depression, and emotional instability, especially among the youth.
Effects of Consumer Culture:
Modernity encourages consumer culture, as it is fundamentally built on the concept of capitalism. Advertising and social media promote the continuous desire for more and better, contributing to the breakdown of social and family relationships. This culture affects the ability to focus, listen, and impacts the quality of work and personal relationships. Excessive expectations and unrealistic goals lead to feelings of weakness, sadness, and various mental health issues. The pursuit of self-fulfillment or self-satisfaction often involves non-religious or unlawful activities to achieve personal goals.
Changing Thought Patterns and Developing Mental Flexibility:
Alongside the emergence of modernity, the terms flexibility and speed have gained prominence. Flexibility becomes necessary to keep up with the rapid changes of the era. These concepts are interconnected, with acceleration leading to the need for flexibility. The lack of patience is evident in various aspects of daily life, such as fast food and the dominance of short video platforms like TikTok and YouTube Shorts, contributing to distraction and reduced productivity.
While everything in existence has both advantages and disadvantages, the drawbacks of modernity, unfortunately, seem to outweigh its benefits. However, it is essential to strive for ethical, valuable, and principled use of modernity. Rather than using it for weapons, wars, and schemes, it should be employed to address climate issues, promote justice, eradicate diseases, and improve human life. Balancing progress with ethical considerations is crucial for a sustainable and meaningful future.